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I am one of the many thousands of students who resent the los of our crest and heritage for this load of crap :spank:
[Edited on 18/5/2005 by Ste]
[Edited on 18/5/2005 by Ste]
I'd get a good old fashioned riot going if i were you.
We have!!
It was set up this morning at around 8AM and now at 21:45 we have 2340 with a few more every few seconds!!
[Edited on 19/5/2005 by FlyingPanda]
Hope it helps
Have you heard of Social Democaratic parties?
Or however don't agree agree with you fall under only one category - A commie?
In the same sense I can say that however is not a socialist or commie is a fascist.
I don't think you are a fascist or are you?
well.... I think I'll check out the Minardi team site to see if the forzaminardi.com lnk IS STILL UP !!!!...........................