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  • The author was No. 2 in the air force and on Jon Stewart's show this week.

    Seemed very pleasant and plausible. Don't trust him.
  • that's where I got it from ;)
    good to see you watch jon stewart as well (even though I just watch the clips online given a lack of TV)

    anyway, what is this all about? how can he come up in a show on comedy central and claim that the wmd are in Syria. not really the venue to make such revelations (three years after the invasion)
  • I think it is becasue the leftist media only wants to publish THEIR account of what has happened.

    If the WMD's are in Syria, as I pointed out many moons ago, then Bush did not lie etc etc etc and they would have to admit that the actions of the coalition were correct.
  • emmett, that's all good and well but why come and reveal that in the "Daily Show" which is not really a beacon of conservative activity (or of great interest to the media in general). wouldn't the bush administration be interested in claiming such "truths". This has nothing to do with left wing media. If the weapons really were in Syria they'd be happy to report that.
  • I really don't have an answer - however this individual and his stroy have been posted on many conservative news sites for a while. Back then it was reported that the Bush Administration was going to use it in the near future but they have not yet done so. This leads me to believe that:

    1. It is not credible

    2. They will use it about the time of the November elections to keep hold of Congress.
  • www.crooksandliars.com <--- regularly posted TDS clips.
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