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The XP upgrade

Bear with me folks. I'm about to perform the dreaded upgrade. Basically I've got pissed off with the instability of the DOS based Win 9x. If Bill Gates tried to sell this shit now he would be bankrupted. Who would buy a system that crashes more often thanit runs and requies a reformatting every 9 months or so?


  • I predict MCSF will post his little Mac switch link.
  • Lets hope his PC dies and we never hear from him again :)
  • www.mac.com/switch

    as predicted
  • Unfortunately, if you're with Windows, you have to go with XP.

    I kept one machine running with Windows 9X as long as possible because I had some very useful old engineering programs including my own RiskPro which just would not run on XP.

    I now have everything (2 PCs and one laptop) on XP Professional, and convert (re-write) the old programs.

    The cost in time of changing old programs annoys me, as it is largely forced by Microsoft's marketing philosophy. There are some good features with XP Professional (don't waste time with the home edition as it has annoying limitiations).

    Things like wireless connections, plug in connections to networks and conference projects, etc are good. But there are still ridiculous problems with formatting WORD documents for consistency on different machines. The systems are now so complicated that no-one understands all the features.

    I just discovered that my wheel-type mouse has a third button feature (you depress the wheel for a centre button function). I thought it was only for scrolling. I found this while checking how to tilt with the latest Google Earth beta version. Press the wheel and move the mouse forward or back.

    I've given up on MS help and just Google any problems.

    Anyway, Petrol, good luck and keep posting!


    PS: MCSF! I know, I know. I did actually have a Mac once and it didn't live up to hype, so STFU. I'm with Windows, hate it but ain't gonna change (in the near future anyway)!!

    Anyone know what sort of computers they have in heaven?
    I know which sort they have in hell!

    [Edited on 19-8-06 by Dr_Spin]
  • PS: MCSF! I know, I know. I did actually have a Mac once and it didn't live up to hype, so STFU.
    It is said that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the true sign of insanity.

    Twenty years I have been on a Mac. Only 2 programs are not able to be had or emulated.

    Have you tried OSX in any of it's versions?

    Otherwise maybe it is YOU who should STFU.
  • EQ, no, you definately don't do the same thing in Windows for 20 years and expect a different result.

    You do different things everytime they upgrade/update and know damn well you'll get the same result.

    Insanity? Quite probable! STFU (that I would find hard to do!)

    Hey, I'm just back from Mumbai and had the "you can't take toothpaste on board" routine, both ways.

    Mind you, my colleague had a Dell laptop, a bottle of water, and face lotion and they only confiscated her face lotion.

    I'm thinking of going into the business of assessing the need for blast walls on trains and buses, and maybe blast resistant test cells where everyone with a handphone and backpack can be isolated and zapped with EMR prior to being allowed on public transport.

    It won't do any good but you could make a lot of money and keep the politicians happy.

  • Doc ---> image <--- Quig
  • Speaking of switching - in June of '08 my patner at work will retire. One of the programs we use - and can only be run on a PC - is called MasterCam. However, with the release of the "dual boot" Mac's running the Intel chip my intenet is to run MasterCam onthe Mac and be done with PC's altogether!

    Check back in July '08
  • Quig would understand that when I said STFU, that was an invitation to respond.

    Yeah, we have been jousting for a few years now, as with Petrol.

    Funny, but interesting, how a clash of views, if argued out, can lead to respect and finally recognition of some common values. There should be a lesson for politicians here! except that they are dividers and no-respectors of others opinions by nature.

    "The pen is mightier than the sword".
    A message is mightier than a missile.
    Enlightenment is mightier than a bombshell.

    Yada yada


    Incidentally, this week we had a major environmental win here in Malaysia, and yours truly Dr Spin was one of the correspondents, along with many eminent specialists, on Malaysiakini that helped press the arguments against the Government and Japanese proponents.
  • Well it seems that one one those dual boot duo core chipset Macs will be taking up real estate on my desk shortly. I'm kinda excited to investigate what these Mac types have been on about.

    I have had enough of rebooting my IBM. Out with the old....
  • In FM,comland STFU = XOXO
  • Yeah, that's what I meant!

    (Clown really thought they were hugs and kisses?, clown!, really?)

    Emmett, RU OK? or too may mac moments.
  • Hate = Love in the Clownmind
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