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Story in my local newspaper about the rise of the Quaddie.

No finger-pointing about who started it, but 4 meat patties, four slabs of bacon, and four slices of cheese in the one burger.

And the way to fit the monster in your mouth? Ditch the salad of course!

68 grams of fat! - 1,000 calories.

Do you want to upsize that?


  • yuk, reminds me of those horrible burgers you got at my local...
  • What about the sauce and beetroot?

    The problems I see are :
    1. While you're opening your mouth for the first bite, you run the risk of flies getting in,

    2. Once you've got your mouth around it, you couldn't see where the sauce is going or how many slices of beetroot or egg have slipped out.

    3. when they ask " sorry Sir, did you want fries with that?"

    you can only say "mmmgrhllaargnnphffvrgh"

    I assume they sell in in a disposable paper bag that will fall apart half way through.

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