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1st MAY

Workers of the world unite, it's your day


With a special dedication to MCSF!


  • Lets ee - Commie Russia and all the satellites down in flames - gone free market. Vietnam ....gone free market. Actually they want us to come back.

    Your boy Mugabe has destroyed his country to the point were they have to eat lions and elephants.

    Um...I guess all you have is that hell hole Cuba.


  • FYI.. 'bout Vietnam, you guys are allready back.. my uncle used to work there, as local CEO of the Reebokfactory. (he now lives in China, where he manages two 'Diesel factories)..

    there's tons of American and European companies in Nam..

  • I don't like commies, but I have to say that today's world isn't easy for the working man. And your fellow Bush isn't doing anything to help..
  • He seems to be ok allowing illegal immigrants into OUR country to work.
  • Today is Orthodox Easter

    Hristos Voskrese braco pravoslavci!
  • 1st of May is the old Celtic festival of Bealtaine. It is also the traditional first day of summer in Ireland. It is a Cross quarter day being midpoint in the Sun's progress between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice.
    Now all people have to figure our is how to pronounce it correctly....
  • It is a Cross quarter day being midpoint in the Sun's progress between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice.
    Now who said all the guys in this forum were dumb? the only problem I have is whats a Vernal?
  • Yea was a preety nice day here in Ireland today, it most be right :D
  • i was sure mcsf would reply!
  • Um...I guess all you have is that hell hole Cuba.
    don't forget Laos! :P

    [Edited on 2/5/2005 by FlyingPanda]
  • image
  • salute comrade!:D
  • You two make such a great couple.

    When can we expect the next great Commie revolution? With a pizza cook and a gov't worker leadeing the charge!

    Which one will be Castro and which one will be Che?

    ...and which one will turn on the other first?

    [Edited on 2/5/2005 by MCSF]
  • Hasta siempre comandante!

    Y hasta siempre Ayrton.

    As F1 fans we must not forget to remember the Great Senna in the 11th anniversary of his tragical death.

    Dear MCSF, Cuba will be a hell-hole, but it is still better than Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela or Colombia, where YOU GUYS with stars and stripes created the poverty!
  • It seems we're more than two!

    good one manlio!

    at least the US solved all the problems in Iraq!!!!;)

  • Well its settled then. When will you guys be emigrating to Cuba? By your remarks you should already have beeen there.

    Don't just dream of living the commie lifestyle - do it!
  • He seems to be ok allowing illegal immigrants into OUR country to work.
    Does that make you a Native American Quig ??:o

  • Yes. Born and raised 100% USA.
  • Apaches, Navajos and Comanches wouldn't share the same opinion:hehe:
  • Thats why we had to kick their ass.

    Seriously - none of us is from where our ancestors originated. The injuns you refer to walked across an ice bridge from what is now known as Russia. Who did they displace? I think we all started in Mesopotamia for that matter. Therefore none of us has a claim on any soverignty back forever. That being said the US has established borders and has had them for some time. Since I was born inside those confines I am therefore a "native" American as much as anybody else born here.

    [Edited on 4/5/2005 by MCSF]
  • So the fact that we all were originated in Mesopotamia is the true reason why the US invaded Iraq?:hehe::hehe:
  • I was born inside those confines I am therefore a "native" American as much as anybody else born here.
    Too right.
    It's quite a ridiculous scenario.
    In Australia and New Zealand it's becoming not 'Politically Correct' to use the words Aboriginal and Maori to describe a person's ethnicity. We're being encouraged to use the term 'Indigenous Australian'. Which means all other native Australians are... ?

    now, I wonder how much trouble I'd get in if I applied for the welfare benefits available only to 'Indigenous Australians', despite being an indigenous Australian by literal definition...
  • I have filled out "Native American" on many a form here in the States and I suppose many others have done the same because they are now calling it "Non Caucasian Native American" or some other shit.
  • F**king political correctness!!! Il have a gollywog in my noddy books if I want!!!!! grrrrr
  • I think we all started in Mesopotamia for that matter. Therefore none of us has a claim on any soverignty back forever.
    Interesting point of view.
    Why all that mess to stop the nazis when they were invading Europe, then?
    And why breaking Saddam's balls when the man was invading Kuwait...
    we wasted lots of time and energy...;)
  • 1st of may. one the best days for me this year. found out the girl I like, likes me :D. Also somehow restrained myself from kicking this guy, who I can't stand, in.
    F**king political correctness!!! Il have a gollywog in my noddy books if I want!!!!! grrrrr
    Agree with you there.
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