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Conspiracy theory?

For a long time I have thought that the FIA's bias towards TOIT was a myth. Now I don't think so.
My view has changed since it has been announced that Cosworth have laid off 200 employees with the loss of the F1 contract and the FIA have allowed TOIT to supply more than one team in 2008, against the concorde agreement.
For all Moseley's talk of supporting independents, this action has effectively killed Cosworth. Moseley is a Megolomaniac!
Surely the Eurpen Commision can look again at the sports governance!


  • Oh, its tried!

    C'mon Petrol, if you only go back seven years to Sepang, its still a long list of 'odd' decisions favouring TOIT.
  • Call me naive but surely the teams can grow a back bone and put a stop to this nonsense! I meam Toyota and Mercedes have got more money than God!
  • Max is God - regard Renault's furious back-peddling after Monza.

    Or ... Stoddie in Melbourne last year.
  • ............and who was it that was using that exact term, 'governance' in regard to his opposition to Max?

    When you say that the teams ought to grow a backbone Cato, you overlook their most recent attempt.

    The Ron/Frank guided union that had Tojo and Renault on board and Stoddie as shop steward.

    Aong came Mr. Money Bags explioter fuckwit Red Cock & Bull, and that was the end of that.

    After all the crap that you have flung at Stoddart for trying to change the status quo, you simply cannot now pull your head out of your arse for a second and realise the view isn't as good as you remember it.

    Max and Toit decide how it all goes and their means have been transparent for ages. Ron & Frank know it and their own teams have the look of going through the motions without any real drive, and I get the feeling that they are only hanging around to see what happens when the facsist 'best Prime Minister a fucked England never had' topples off his perch to take up consultancies that are his due as payback.

    Not that I feel at all strongly about any of this.
  • Well I wasn't sure Lease, now I am.

    Petrol, go to any GP and you will see a sea of red.

    Majority rules here. Toyo may have more money, but if they left F1, it would not make a blimp on the radar, nor would Renault, or Mercedes or.....

    Ferrari is F1's bread and butter...............the rest is just the filling.
  • Now that Minardi is gone you mean.
  • Lets get this straight. Stoddart had no idea how to mount an opposition campaign to Moseley. The nonsense in Melbourne was a case in point. Any fool could see that Stoddart was attempting to race and illegal car in melbourne. When the stewards threw the case out, he decides to go to the courts.
    As a signatory to the concorde agreement the proper means to mount a case is through arbitration. You will find, if you take the time to look up the case law, Public courts are loathe to get involved in the running of sports. They see that as a case for the sporting governing bodies. Anyone who bypasses the proper channels invariably get short shrift in a court of law.
    All melbourne showed was that Stoddart was all bluster. If he thought his case was right take it to ARBITRATION!!!!!
  • Addendum. If Mosely knew he had an outstanding case going to aribitration, he might be tempted to change tack. If he then lost the case then its game over for Moseley!
  • notice that despite having a strong position, in this particular case, Mosely still pressures his good mate Ron Walker by threatening to withdraw the GP, so the Walker had to lean on Stoddart to get him to withdraw his threat. It goes beyond right and wrong to the way these bastards do business.
  • Money talks, bullshit walks.
  • Viges said.........."bullshit walks."

    gosh......so true. Your feet must be REALLY sore............old fruit !
  • To be sure, to be sure ...
  • Interesting little exchange......wonder what it was about?

    Anyhoo, if I can just clarify the point that I was making that Cato uncharacteristically missed (again).

    Melbourne was a sideshow, and for what it's worth, as an Australian I found it a bit embarrassing.

    The big deal was the showdown post-Indy. Had some sort of total unity been held together then, then the future of the sport's governence may have been different. The teams fractured and were picked off by Max way too easily.
  • williams were one of the first to crack, no doubt just to spite BMW. Look where they find themselves... Mosely does so well by his friends.

    His respect is only for big money and big power and that is why he and ferrari flatter each other in this little game.
  • Here's a quote from the interview with max mosely on pitpass

    "I wouldn't accept that the FIA and manafacturer discussions over the last five years have damaged F1. I don't think the public takes too much notice. They are much more interested in whether Alonso did or did not impede Massa, and things of that kind."

  • I guess that means that we are not part of the "public" cause I finally got 'round to readin this.
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