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  • At the risk of losing Yoko's respect, I'll go out on a limb here: where's the love for X Japan? If the Clash is my favorite band of all time, they're a very close second. Also, Falco is/was the greatest Austrian rap/rock artist of all time. I dare…
  • Pfft, Nirvana. Could there be a band more overrated? Pearl Jam and Smashing Pumpkins had them beat before Kurt Cobain died. Now The Clash, that's a real band.
  • WTF? Matt's a Bengals fan?! I always thought that picture of him was at an NFL Europe game, Scottish Claymores or something. Wow, now I understand his every day pain- my Jets haven't won a Super Bowl in almost 40 years, but hey, at least we won one!
  • SuperRoo, it might just be my personal preference, but drivers turning out fast lap after fast lap, even in the shootout qualifying format of the late 1990's was never the reason why I tuned into F1. Race management interests me a great deal. I do …
  • Sure, the pitstops look silly, but I'm entirely in favor of these new regs concerning tire changes. It seems like it could keep things interesting- the drivers whose cars were built for the sprint-stop-sprint format of years past fade at the end, w…
  • To quote Family Guy's Stewie, "All this talk (of car performance) has got me frisky- seriously, I've got half a pack of Rolaids in my diapers!"
  • What about Schumacher giving Nick the business? Class move- he got what he deserved this weekend.
  • I still think Monteiro will end up as the better of the two drivers, but that might just be my CART bias.
  • Lease makes a series of fine points, but I'm still depressed. Made time to watch practice tonight, and I've not a single shot of our cars on the grid. This stinks.
  • I'm in the same boat as Neil- I didn't get credit for naming Rubinho to be second.
  • a. Juan Pablo Montoya b. Michael Schumacher c. Rubens Barrichello d. Juan Pablo Montoya e. Jenson Button f. 12th g. DNF
  • This whole affair has me so disgruntled, I might not even turn on the TV at 10 pm tonight... ...who am I kidding, I'm a glutton for punishment...I'll be sitting there in my team gear, ripe for disappointment...
  • Compared to what it used to be - and that is even before the IRL wars - it has gone steadily downhill. It needs fixin' and fast. There will be a race just a few miles from my work this year - the San Jose Grand Prix. I have no idea if I will even…
  • CART sucks people. It truly does. Have you guys watched them on the TV? They handle like junk on all but ovals and the series love of street circuits is miserable. Et tu, Brute? I thought you were on my side! Betrayed by the benevolent dictator.…
  • You did time in the Green Machine? Not really, chief. Was a civilian contractor, did the training software for the Comanche helicopter, while that lasted. I worked for a private software company, but we were essentially under the foot of the Army p…
  • [quote] drivers 0.6For some reason, thats funny :hehe: [/quote] Funny, I think the Army was paying me more in my Florida days...;)
  • Murph, I forget what I actually said to you in person at Indy last season, but you are the man. Jerez '97 almost made me stop watching F1 altogether...watching my then-hero Schumacher attempt to ram JV, and what followed in the aftermath, with Hakk…
  • Just make sure you have one of those dogs with the keg around its neck to help you. What happened to those dogs? I could use one here in Jersey.:P
  • I feel so wrong saying this, but is it OK for me to feel bullish about this upcoming season? I haven't been so excited about a F1 season in years. Of course, the abject failure of my football team to win a close playoff game, as well as my desponden…
  • Nick Hornby - About a Boy (Don't blame me, it's for school) No need to be ashamed, Homer! Hornby's one of my favorites...if you have the time, read High Fidelity as well (which was made into a decent movie starring John Cusack if you don't have the…
  • So, wait. We signed a 41-year-old test driver? Maybe there is still hope for my racing career...
  • [quote] I still think Jos is in the frame of the second seat. Stoddart never denied he can not be the second driver. He just could not bring in the money. But if he allows Trust to sponsor Albers and Minardi in exchange of his own seat, I believe it…
  • Good one, Panda... Nothing like a chortle at the expense of Boy George's Flying Circus! :hehe:
  • I sure as hell hope that this CBS deal works out better than ABC did...their race coverage killed me, cutting out pieces, speeding up the footage to make the time slot. Dunno why we can't just stick with Speed for the whole one cares ab…
  • God, I wish I hadn't read this thread...wish I could go, but the plane tickets alone cost more than I have in my bank account... I'd better face it, the only hope I have of ever seeing a GP is in Indy. Lodging is free, travel's cheap, meals are pai…